- 2 minutes read

Twice a year, a new major of Angular ships, and I need to update my Angular projects. More often than not, the automated update doesn't work, so I have to do it manually. In other words, twice a year, I wonder which version of TypeScript is compatible with the new Angular version. Not to mention the versions of node.js, zone.js, and Rx.js.

Until recently, I used to create a new sandbox Angular project to find out. Does this sound familiar? Here's help. More to the point, here on StackOverflow.

Cartoon depicting open source projects as fragile piles of buildings, struts, and duct tape, with a single person holding them together.Image published by Randall Munroe
on XKCD under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.
If you don't want to remember the link, memorize the command npx ngvm compat. At the time of writing, it simply opens the StackOverflow page, which seems to be maintained frequently by the community. The community is a single man, Aliaksei Kuncevič. I'm not sure if he's doing it alone, but once again, it reminds me of the famous XKCD comic. Give him some kudos, or support him!

There's also an official compatibility table. Unfortunately, it's a bit shorter. On the plus side, it indicates which version of Angular you should abandon because it's no longer supported.
