; last updated - 3 minutes read

A good third-party component library can give your application development team a boost. This article collects a list of popular UI component libraries for Angular2. It goes without saying that this list can never be complete, so it's probably going to change and expand over time. If you know of a useful Angular2 widget library, don't hesitate to leave a comment so I can complete the list.

By the way, this list is just that: a list. I'm adding a short introduction to each library, but it's not the same as a review. I'll postpone that to follow-up articles. If you like or dislike on of the library, I'd like to hear from you, especially if you also add a short explanation.

General purpose widget libraries

  • Ionic was already a well-known UI framework in the AngularJS 1.x age. There's also an Angular2 port. Ionic comes with a CLI tool which simplifies getting started. It also provides its unique layout which blends in nicely with the look and feel of many current mobile devices. There's a nice tutorial at scotch.io.

  • PrimeNG is an offspring of the well-known PrimeFaces JSF library. It's an open source project hosted at GitHub. At the time of writing (Oct 07, 2016) I counted some 70 components, providing enough widgets for writing an enterprise application. Like PrimeFaces, PrimeNG is a commercial library. In this particular case, this means you can get the library itself for free, but you can order a support plan. There's a PrimeNG PRO with commercial support and premium templates like Ultima NG. For some reason, the team didn't make their pricing public yet, but they told me they already have a couple of very big customers. Judging from the list they showed me I daresay to call PrimeNG a great framework even if I haven't used it myself.

  • ng2-bootstrap is a component library that combines the grid system and the theming of Bootstrap with Angular2. At the time of writing (Oct 07, 2016) it supports 15 components and both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4. 15 components doesn't sound much, but the tool box contains most components you need. A co-worker of mine uses it for their current project and reports that they a happy with it.

Widget libraries providing individual components

Talking of data tables: PrimeNG has a fairly powerful data table. I didn't compare it to the other data tables in this list, but I think they all play in the same league.

Commercial widget libraries

Since I don't want to spend money on commercial libraries just to test them, let's suffice to mention these libraries.

  • KendoUI is the Angular2 offspring of the well-known KendoUI library. So it's not surprising that it looks fairly complete. Prices start at 999$ per developer license.

  • Wijmo 5 is also a library with a long history. Hence the Angular2 offspring also seems to offer almost everything you need. Prices start at 695$ per license.
