; last updated - 1 minute read

Fork me on GitHubRelease candidate 3 of AngularFaces 2 has been published. Basically, it's a bug fix release. Here are the release notes:

  • Bugfix: compatibibility with PrimeFaces <prime:datatable>
  • Bugfix: AngularFaces now copes with bean attributes, even if they are Strings (quite a funny bug, if you take in mind Strings are usually tested first).
  • Improved translation support (now includes the attributes "header" and "headertext")
  • Bugfix: Labels and messages aren't added automatically if the JSF view designer already defined a label an/or a message
    • In addition, I've started to write a tutorial. To read the tutorial, go to AngularFaces.com (nowadays taken offline). The example projects accompanying the tutorial are on https://github.com/stephanrauh/AngularFaces/tree/master/AngularFaces.com (nowadays taken offline). At the time of writing, the first two steps ("Bootstrapping" and "Labels and Messages") of the tutorial are finished (plus a couple of sketches of the remaining chapters).
