; last updated - 2 minutes read

Fork me on GitHubThe final release of AngularFaces 2.0 is coming near! The latest - and possibly last - release candidate RC4 has been published today. Here's what's new and noteworthy about the version:

  • Reduced requirements on the Java version: Java 6, 7 and 8 are supported. The binaries in the distribution folder are compiled with Java 6.
  • You can now use traditional JSF AJAX requests with AngularFaces (although it's not advisable to do so, because AngularJS doesn't seem to support this).
  • Improved compatibility to Internet Explorer 11 (and probably older versions as well, but since I've updated my PC to the latest version, I can't really tell).
  • Several common HTML tags can now be used without preceding "h:".
  • <input> can now be used without "type" attribute. The type is derived from the JSF bean. This isn't exactly a new feature: AngularFaces supports the same feature for <h:inputText> since a long time. The news is that also the native HTML5 <input> is supported.
  • Client-side error messages use the PrimeFaces design in PrimeFaces views (and the simpler Mojarra design otherwise).
  • AngularFaces input fields can now display boolean JSF bean attributes (and are displayed as checkboxes).

Work on the manual on AngularFaces.com (nowadays taken offline) is also progressing nicely. The same applies to the demo applications.

As usual, you find the updated jar file and two demo war files on the AngularFaces dist folder on GitHub.
