; last updated - 1 minute read

I just got word of exciting good news: the long-lasting bug preventing Liferay users to utilize CDI in their JSF 2.0 portlets has been solved. More precisely, you can use Weld. I do not know yet whether you can use OpenWebBeans[1] or not.

Neil Griffin closed the CDI ticket in Liferay's bug tracker a couple of days ago. There's a demo portlet available on github. A collegue of mine downloaded the demo, deployed it in a up-to-date Liferay server and everything run just fine.

I didn't try it myself yet, so I can't tell you if every CDI feature works. I intend to run an exhaustive compatibility check during the next couple of days. When I'm done with it I'm going to report again.

Update: Our tests confirmed compatibility. However, CDI extensions like CODI don't work. Follow this link to read on.

  1. OpenWebBeans is an alternative and - according to Mark Struberg - faster implementation of CDI↩
