; last updated - 1 minute read

There's good news to all those who hadn't the opportunity to visit this years JavaOne: Quite a few talks have been published on parleys.com. At the time of writing roughly 60 talks are available for you. Most of the videos are just the sliders with the audio track underlaid, so don't be surprised if you don't see the speaker waving her or his hands.

Update July 28, 2017: To my surprise, Parleys.com has vanished from the web.

From BeyondJava.net's point of view, it's interesting only seven talk deal with languages other than Java. The languages covered are Scala and Groovy, and of course the inevitable lingua franca of the internet: Javascript. Maybe - just maybe - Scala and Groovy are slowly making it into the mainstream development. The news I've read lately indicate dynamically typed languages such as Ruby are slowly declining, while there's growing interest in the Scala language.

The JavaOne home page

Google trends on Scala, Groovy and JRuby
