- 1 minute read

OmniFaces 2.4 has been released. This time, the new version concentrates on bug fixing and polishing. There is only a handful of new features, the most notable being <o:url />, which bring the old <o:url /> of JSF 1.x back to the JSF 2.x world. There are also improvements to the FullAjaxExceptionHandler and better support for logging. As usual, the team has written an exhaustive blog post covering the changes, so I won't repeat their description. Instead, I suggest you follow the links below.

JSF 2.3

Maybe more important is that the OmniFaces team brought a couple of features from OmniFaces to the upcoming JSF 2.3 standard. That's exciting because it puts the commotion about Oracle's presumed withdrawal from JavaEE into perspective. Even if the rumors we to come true and Oracle were to stop their efforts on JavaEE, it wouldn't be the end of the Java world. If need be, there are other developers ready to contribute suggestions, improvements, code and documentation.

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Announcement written by BalusC

What´s new in OmniFaces 2.4?
