; last updated - 7 minutes read

April 2022 Reactive programming with Angular This is the print version of my async/await article.
July 2021 Native images with GraalVM How come everybody's so excited about creating native images with GraalVM? A high-level introduction, probably including a short glimpse of Quarkus, the framework that takes native images to a whole new level. Read the first few sentences here.
June 2021 Truffle – Graals Compiler-Compiler Writing a programming language is hard! Enter Truffle. Writing a programming language is a walk in the park! Let's have a close look. Does our bold claim hold true? Read the first few sentences here.. This article is a thouroughly updated and corrected (plus translated) version of Truffle - GraalVM's Compiler-Compiler.
May 2021 Multilinguale Programmierung Read the first few sentences here.. This article is a thouroughly updated and corrected (plus translated) version of Polyglot Programming with GraalVM.
April 2021 Polyglotte Entwicklung mit GraalVM How to run C, C++, Fortran, Ruby, R, and JavaScript on GraalVM. Read the first few sentences here.. This article is a thouroughly updated and corrected (plus translated) version of Polyglot Programming with GraalVM.
April 2021 Mein Freund, der Baum
("The tree is my friend")
The March article was about what an optimizer does. But how do you implement such an optimizer? In other words: what's the key to the success of GraalVM? Read the first few sentences here.. This article is a thouroughly updated and corrected (plus translated) version of GraalVM Dictionary: Bytecode, Interpreters, C1 Compiler, C2 Compiler, CPUs, and More.
March 2021 Der Optimizer von GraalVM The February article was about what an optimizer does. But how do you implement such an optimizer? In other words: what's the key to the success of GraalVM? Read the first few sentences here.. This article is a thouroughly updated and corrected (plus translated) version of GraalVM Dictionary: Bytecode, Interpreters, C1 Compiler, C2 Compiler, CPUs, and More.
February 2021 Low-Level-Zeug: Compiler und Co. What happens to your Java code when you're looking away? An introduction to the optimizer of GraalVM. It's not the deep, deep dive we were aiming for: there's only so much space in a print magazine! Published by Java Magazin. This article is a thouroughly updated and corrected version (and translated) of Optimization Strategies of the GraalVM.
January 2021 Was macht eigentlich der Java-Compiler? A deep dive into the mysteries of the Java compiler, all the way down to assembly code. Published by Java Magazin. This article is an updated version (and translated) of GraalVM Dictionary: Bytecode, Interpreters, C1 Compiler, C2 Compiler, CPUs, and More.
December 2020 Was geht, GraalVM? Introduction to GraalVM. Published by Java Magazin. This article is an updated version (and translated) of What about GraalVM?
July 2020 Supersonic subatomic Java Introduction to Quarkus. Published by JavaPro. (Follow the link to the online copy of the article).
January 2020 Eine JVM für die Cloud: die GraalVM This article was the nucleus of the great GraalVM series by Karine Vardanyan and me. If I could, I'd publish an update of this article. But that's the thing with print: once it's out, you have to list with all your mistakes.
April 2019 BootsFaces: JavaServer Faces in Zeiten von Angular, React und Co. BootsFaces is a recurring topic in my talks and articles.
September 28, 2018 Vue.js für alle
("Vue.js for everybody")
I've contributed an article to this booklet. Stretching things a litte: I'm a book author! Official link: entwickler.kiosk
2016 Electron bringt Vue.js auf den Desktop entwickler magazin
September 2015 Java oder JavaScript? JavaSpektrum
