- 2 minutes read

My open source projects and my blog are strictly non-commercial. They have to be, otherwise my tax declaration becomes much more difficult.

However, if you need more support than I can do in my spare time, you can contact my employer and talk them into having me (or one of my co-workers) consult you. Just drop me an email.

What started as a little side-project has become tremendously successful. In June 2020, ngx-extended-pdf-viewer crossed the 50.000 downloads per months mark, and the figures are still rising. It seems many Angular developers want to display a PDF file in their application.

There are several other PDF viewers out there. What makes ngx-extended-pdf-viewer stand out is that it's a full-blown PDF viewer, complete with toolbar, menus, and thumbnails.

See the showcase at https://pdfviewer.net or the npm project page.
